
PBA Platinum Sale In-Person at Oakland Marriott City Center

PBA Galleries announced a PBA Platinum Sale on Thursday, February 10th, 2022. The sale consists of 113 select lots of rare, important, and valuable material in all fields, with printed books from the 16th to 21st centuries containing landmarks of science, literature, and history; stunning maps of the various regions of the world; original artwork; PBA Platinum Sale In-Person at Oakland Marriott City Center

The DC Universe Collection

The DC UNIVERSE COLLECTION THE DC UNIVERSE PBA COMICS CONSIGN PURCHASE A CATALOG BLOG MEET IVAN BRIGGS PBA Galleries is proud to present a historic event: The sale of The DC UNIVERSE COLLECTION The DC UNIVERSE comprises over 40,000 comic books including a copy of every single comic published by DC for retail sale from The DC Universe Collection

I want to receive PBA Comics updates

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PBA Galleries Announces Historic DC UNIVERSE COLLECTION Auctions

Massive Unprecedented Collection of More Than 40,000 Comic Books – Every Single Comic Ever Published by DC From 1934 – 2014 – To Be Sold in Series of Sales BERKELEY, CA, USA, July 18, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — PBA Galleries is proud to announce the historic sale of The DC UNIVERSE COLLECTION, an unprecedented collection of more PBA Galleries Announces Historic DC UNIVERSE COLLECTION Auctions

Top 10 DC Comics: Preacher #1

This is the second of 10 articles that we’ll be posting to celebrate DC comics in all their weird and wonderful entertainment! At #9, we have a Garth Ennis original – so if you watched “The Boys,” keep reading! Our first full series on this list is none other than “Preacher,” the dark comedy that Top 10 DC Comics: Preacher #1